Here is a question for you… How do you fix lazy?
I do not intend this to be a rant, rather a real look into why are people.. in particular.. some of our Scouts so lazy. Yes.. I said Lazy, and if the shoe fits they need to wear it.
Well, Scoutmaster Jerry… you can’t call a boy out like that.. you may hurt their feelings… Really? If you don’t want your feelings hurt, stop being lazy. It’s really that simple.
Here is the situation.
We do a very good job of teaching skills. As is the case in Scout Troops all over our Country, Scout leaders have vested interest in making sure that our Scouts are trained in skills, both life skills and those skills that can be applied in the great out doors. In the case of my Troop, we have assembled a group of adult leaders that are the best. That is a pretty lofty claim, but true. We have multiple BSA certified Climbing instructors. Multiple Wilderness First Aid trained and First Responders. Medical professionals, skilled outdoors men. Trained and certified trainers for extreme cold weather activities, etc. Avid backpackers with years of experience and mastered skill levels. Leave No trace experts etc. We have made it a point to be over trained so the Scouts of our Troop will have the benefit of training that is current, relevant, expert, and will ensure that the Scout will gain the most of his Scouting experience.
Now, before I go on.. YES, we are YOUTH LED… BUT…
As you all know there are times that Adults with know how need to step in and not lead, but train. The Scout leadership is still leading and teaching basic skills, but when it comes to high risk activities it is important that Adult instruction from those that are qualified, skilled, and trained need to do the teaching.
So, we have assembled this great group of skilled folks that know what they need to know and are willing to teach and provide mentoring as the Scouts develop their skills.
I suppose it is worth mentioning that a Scout joins our Troop knowing what he is getting into. It is also fair to point our that we do not push participation. A Scout will get out of Scouting exactly what he puts into it. If a young man makes the choice to not participate, well then he will get that experience out of Scouting. On the other hand, if he makes the choice to fully immerse himself in the experience, he will have an outstanding experience while a Scout and more likely than not carry that with him the rest of his life.
We are what we are we are not going to change that based on Lazy. We have made it a point to never cancel based on outside of Scouting choices. We encourage our Scouts to be active outside of Scouts also and we know that there are certain outings that lend themselves to less participation, but we will not cancel those based on the interest level of some of the Scouts taking away that opportunity for others. We would rather go with 5 that are totally into it than 40 that are not.
On one hand we preach that this is the Scouts Troop, and yes that is the case. They are the Scouts that made the choice years ago that they wanted to be a high adventure unit. And that is what we became. That is why boys join our Troop. Then some realize that we expect more from them individually than perhaps their School teacher do or their parents. We expect them to become self-reliant. We expect them to pay attention and learn. We expect them to develop skills and become proficient in those skills and at some point teach those skills. We expect them to push themselves beyond their comfort zone. We do not think that this is too much to ask, and when parents bring their son to us, it seems that it is not too much for them either. Parents by and large seem to like the idea that we expect much from their sons.
We see it over and over again though that some, not all, of our Scouts are just plain lazy. It would seem that they would rather freeze to death and starve before they took a tiny bit of initiative to do the right thing. They are trained, but have difficulty applying that training because they are too busy trying to take a short cut or allow someone else to do it for them.
They would rather be told 100 times to do something than just do it. They would rather be cold and miserable than to apply the training that they have learned from some of the best folks around. Simple things like keeping your gloves out of the snow or staying dry. This is just plain lazy.
They would rather have Mom and Dad replace gear than take care of it. They would rather crawl into their sleeping bag than learn new skills and develop their own level of expertise in those skills. They would rather… well, I think you are getting the point.
I do not understand this way of thinking. I do not understand Lazy. Now before I get one comment that tells me that kids today are different from they were 20 years ago… JUST STOP. They are no different. The difference is not in the kid, it is in how they are raised in the world around them. They have been wrapped in layer of bubble wrap and not allowed to explore. They have been force-fed pills to calm them down, they have been sheltered because of the boggy man and Al Qaeda. They are sat in front of a TV as a baby sitter and the world around them tells them that they don’t have to work for a living. Don’t worry.. the Government will take care of you and the more ailments you can rack up the more Uncle Sam will take care of you. You don’t have to get a good paying job, you can apply for hand outs.. so don’t work and you will be fine. I don’t understand this thinking. And it is happening. Citizenship used to mean making a contribution, now it means waiting for one.
Are their legitimate ailments out there?.. sure there are.. but c’mon.. When you are a 13-year-old boy, you need to get out and at it.
Lazy is a habit. It is formed early and reinforced often. Here is the thing. I don’t know how to fix it. Well I do, but in the process I will lose Scouts and upset parents. This is the issue I am dealing with. How do I fix lazy and maintain Scouts and get them on board? How do I do this and keep Mom and Dad happy?
I will be working on answers to this question.. I am curious as to what you have to say.
Please leave your answer to How to fix lazy in the comments section. I want to know what you do.. or do you just allow it. Either way.. share.
Have a Great Scouting Day!
Filed under: camp skills, Camping, Character, Citizenship, comments, Cooking, gear, High Adventure, Ideals, Just fun, Leadership, Methods, Motto, Oath and Law, Risk Management, Scouting, Skills, teamwork, training, Values, Winter Camping Tagged: attitudes, Scouting, skills, Training, Winter Camping